Welcome to My Keepsakes.

I have few item to share with all of you. In this blog, you'll find various lovely and beautiful item. Dari my precious collections, sampai la pada barang-barang untuk di jual.

Di sini terdapat pelbagai jewelry / aksesori import dari Korea (korean jewelry & accessories). Semuanya murah, dengan mutu yang baik.

Selain dari aksesori, My Keepsakes juga menjual 'cross-stich kits'. Iaitu, set jahitan cross-stich (silang pangkah) untuk kategori beginner, dan juga intermediate. If ada yang ingin kategori advance, sila inform saya through email ya. Semua cross-stich adalah dari U.S, kecuali jika dinyatakan sebaliknya.
My Keepsakes juga menjual beberapa barangan lain. Sila refer 'TERMS and CONDITIONS' di bawah untuk details on purchase, shipping dan points

Latest in My Keepsakes collection: Antique and vintage brooches from U.K and U.S. These are my premium collections.

Some brooches are pre-owned item, coz some are purchased from antique stores/collectors. But some are new. I'll let u know the condition for the brooches. Refer pix, I'll try my best to get the accurate photo.

Sila email 'keepsakesmy@yahoo.com' atau guna 'chatbox' untuk sebarang persoalan.

Sila klik sini untuk order/booking

Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah.

Have a nice day.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Cath Kidston

Yayyy...my order has finally arrived.

(fyi, this happened way back in May-just refer to the date on pic. The update here was wayyyy outdated)

The whole lot of my order, but this exclude the sewing kit i gave to mum as mothr's day present.

Some close-up

Yes, i'd fall in love with Cath Kidston the minute I'd knew about them. In addition, I'd visited 2 of their outlets in London: Notting Hill/Portobello & somewhere nearby Old Spitalfield Market.

I'd shop in both shops but never bought any of the handbag.

But, in the flight while coming back, I cant stop regretting for not buying any larger CK bag. (fyi, I'd just bought small CK bag plus other small item while shopping there)

So..there I am, finally bought some of my fav online (Honestly, the postage is killing me, huhu..despite of the lower currency rate)

It took me around 10 days to receive my order Wow!, that was fast! even faster than e-bay's.

Some close-up...2 bags & set of pillow-case.
Shower gel..(hmmm i love shower gels)

The packaging

I'd also receive my mag few days after that. And recently, I'd also receive my CK autumn's collection.

Perhaps will share some in my other posting. Thruth is, I'd fall inlove with their cardigans instantly, huh.

I love CK!!